♥ Sugar Baby ♥

vintage, makeup, pearls, cupcakes, old glamour, fashion, paris, tea, movies, lace.....an all things pretty..... xxx

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sex and the City 2....

Well now........what can i say about the sequel except.....i lovvvvvvvvved it!!! I've seen it twice in the past 2 weeks.. (yes, sad i know..lol). Now i could be biased.. i mean it would have had to be absolutley awful for me not to like it..I've watched sex and the city since the very beginning. I love Carrie, charlotte, samantha, miranda....an Mr big..... I lovve Mr Big..I think everyone of us can relate to one of those characters at least. An as for the fashion........omg...heaven!! The first film had a lot more 'drama' in it, this one had a lighter feel to it, had me in stitches several times! I'm glad they did it like that, because had this sequel had just as much 'drama' in it, it would have weared thin with the audiance...and at least this way there is room for a third film..? ooooooh can't wait!! So not giving the story away but if your fan of SATC an you haven't seen it yet...its a must see..!!

Kerrie xx

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