♥ Sugar Baby ♥

vintage, makeup, pearls, cupcakes, old glamour, fashion, paris, tea, movies, lace.....an all things pretty..... xxx

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June: In's & Out's


- Trilby hats: I did wonder if i can pull off one of these?  I mean i know alot of people are wearing them an the celebs are always sporting them but at first i did think they looked a bit 'funny' on me but after carefully scanning the shops for a nice one, i finally got one an it looks fab!! I love hats anyway, but this one really add's an edge to my outfits.. i feel all 'festival' like in these.. even thou i'm not going to any this year but still i can look the part right? lol x

- Coke Zero: I'm a big coke cola fan an yes i knows its not good for you but there's nothing like a glass of coke with ice in the sun is there....? :) But whilst i love my beloved coke cola..the amount of calories in a can is just crazy and i'm trying to lose around a half a stone at the moment so i switched to coke zero...its not the same but its not too bad either, far nicer than diet coke!

-Blusher: I dont have the best skin in the world i am prone to breaking out so i often like to wear a foundation with more coverage but i have been weaning myself off an trying to wear less as its summer and i dont want anything too heavy looking. So in the past week i've been wearing a small bit of foundation, tiny bit of eyeshadow or navy eyeliner in the water line, mascara an lip balm which in all is a small amount of makeup for me, not that i wear a face packed with makup but i do use a lot of products. However one thing i can't live without is blusher.. If i don't wear anything else 'blusher' makes me look fresh and alive! It really lifts my skin tone. The one i wear most often is bourjois in rose brun. Can't get enough of the stuff!

-Weekend breaks: I'm no jet setter, i wish i was.. i havent been away since last september when i went to New york which was fab but its been so long, that now i'm itching to get away somewhere.. So far i know i'm going to London the end of next month for a week, cant wait.. its not a holiday as such as i know london all too well i grew up there, but i am going over to see friends whom i havent seen in ages so really looking forward to it. Do want to holiday somewhere in August too with my mum, thinking Italy? Want to go somewhere different but not too expensive..any suggestions?? x


- Gladiator sandals: These were everywhere in 2008/9 i bought some lovely tanned ones in new look last year an wore them all through the summer, i thought i'd be able to do the same this year, but for some reason they are not looking good with my dresses this year. I know those open-toe sandals that look like ankle boots (can't remember they're actual name..) are everywhere this year an they do look sooo nice with everything you name it, dresses, shorts etc. So maybe subconciously, its because i want a pair? an the gladiator sandals just dont cut it anymore?Is that a bit shallow? I'm not the type to not wear something because it not 'in' this season, but they just dont look right with my summer gear this year, an i just dont know why..

-Chocolate: I love my chocolate as much as the next girl but i guess cos its summer i've just gone off it. I haven't totally stopped eating it, i still get cravings for it sometimes! but right now i'd rather a handful of pick n mix sweets or an ice lolly. I'm already in full summer mode in my head even though the weather here in ireland says otherwise :((

-Shopping: I don't want this to be in the out's I LOVE shopping.. But i spent alot in the past few months, and a little broke as a result so i have to stay away from the shops for while and save some money for once! With the mini breaks coming up i want lots of spending money to get some nice lil bits :) esp in london as everything is cheaper. We are fleeced over here with the euro..!

-Nautical: I do have nautical tops dresses etc, but how many times are they going to run this trend?? Surely its had its day now? for the past 4 years at least they say nautical is the 'big' trend this year..its getting a lil boring now. I did love this look but its starting to get on my nerves now.. lol :))


  1. coke zero just isn't the same though :P

  2. I used to love my Bourjois blushes but I find that they only work well with the little brush they come with which is quite scratchy - a normal soft blusher brush just won't transfer the colour well...

    I just became your 8th follower, I was born and live in London too but plan to move back to the mother country (I'm from Donegal but would go to Dubs) soon :)

    Happy blogging!

    Kat x www.clickandmake-up.blogspot.com

  3. Hey pet!! Thanks so much following!! Are u moving soon? Best of luck with it! I do miss london sometime but moving here was the best decision i made. Xx
