♥ Sugar Baby ♥

vintage, makeup, pearls, cupcakes, old glamour, fashion, paris, tea, movies, lace.....an all things pretty..... xxx

Monday, September 6, 2010

No more messing..diet starts today!! :)

So as u can tell from the title.. its day 1 of my diet... :) I've always been a size 12 sometimes a 10 but my size 12 jeans are getting too tight..so much so that i've stopped wearing jeans for the past couple of weeks as they're uncomfortable :( an they're making me feel bad!! But today i've decided to stop being in denial and finally get those pounds off! All summer i have taken a very 'relaxed' approach to eating, drinking, bbq's, meals out, regular cappacinos have all taken their toll and caught up with me. Now when i say relaxed it doesn't mean on the other hand i'm very strict with myself but i am concious about gaining weight an being healthy as I do put on weight easily and it does show on me especially as i'm only 5ft 2.

So when i'm being reasonably strict with myself i do like to calorie count.. yes yes i know...! boring and not what the experts would advise.. However, i'm the kind of person that needs a number on it.. I feel i need some sort of structure and if i dont have that then i tend to overeat at dinner or snack on the wrong things. If i am calorie counting i know exactly where i stand an what i can have at meal times and possible snacks. This does not mean i have a piece of chicken an a lettuce leaf on my plate for dinner....... lol! I eat normal portions, and now i'm not just concerned about my waistline but about health in general.

So a typical healthy day for me would be:

Breakfast:   2 weetibix and half a banana, green tea or cup of coffee (skimmed milk)

Lunch:   Tuna salad or bowl of soup & 1 brown soda bread

Snack:  Apple & cup of tea

Dinner:  Pork, side salad, cous cous

Evening Snack: 2 finger kit kat or an orange

4 or 5 glasses of water a day.

I'l only have a sweet snack every other day usually of an evening in front of the tv thats when i mostly want to snack, this might seem too much for some people when dieting but i'm quite realistic with myself and if i decide to cut out all sweet things..i'l inevitably crave them, eventually giving in to temptation an eat lots of the wrong things!

We all have our own ways of doing things, we all know what works and what doesnt for our own bodies.
Now i just need to work on that other voice in my head urging me to just have that mcdonalds for lunch for example..

If anyone of you reading this are dieting at the moment or want to lose weight or indeed have lost weight, what worked for you?? leave me a comment :)) Would love to read them..

Love Kerrie xx


  1. Good luck with the diet. I've just started a bit of a fitness kick by joining my local Curves class - I love it! :) x

  2. Good luck with your diet! Keep us updated (=

  3. good luck with your diet!
    I need to get back into it before I put on the 10lbs I have lost.

  4. Haha... I'm on a 10 day detoc myself (day 7).. i only eat fruits and veggies and only drink water and herbal teas...so far it has been great! GOOD LUCK!


    P.S: I'm running an amazing Hallelu hobo bag giveaway that I bet you'd love! ;)

  5. @evelyn thanks hun. Yeah i've heard of those curves classes! must start doing some exercises for sure, i'm very lazy ;) haha x

    @gaby Thanks hun..will do!

    @cupcake Thanks! yeah its not easy i kno. I lost a stone last yr an more than half has gone back on :( way tooo easy to gain weight lol

    @Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries Thanks! ooh good luck with it sounds interesting! trying to acquire a taste for herbal teas myself like green tea..but its growing on me! xx
