♥ Sugar Baby ♥

vintage, makeup, pearls, cupcakes, old glamour, fashion, paris, tea, movies, lace.....an all things pretty..... xxx

Friday, July 9, 2010

My beautiful blonde puppy..♥

Just thought i'd introduce you to the love in my life.. my beautiful golden retriever Jesse................
11 months old.

8 weeks old

8 weeks old.

So...As you can see he is 11 months old now an mostly fully grown. The last two pics were taken the week i bought him last october. He looks so tiny in these pics compared to how big he is now its funny looking at how much he's grown. He really is a loveable lil character, he'd almost talk to you if he could. He's a bit too attached to me, follows me all around the house even into the bathroom! cry's at the door or window when i'm gone out! So i'm trying to train him to be a lil more independent lol..not easy! But..He's adorable....an i ♥ him!

Kerrie xx

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